Naijastudenthub loves guest posting. If you have an article idea or something you want to share then I’ll be happy to provide this platform to do so.
If you wish, you can add your bio to the posts to show clients who may want evidence of your written works on the internet. Blog posting is also an avenue for you to link back to your blog/website.
But first, some writing guidelines;
Posts MUST be original. If your work is derivative of someone else’s, do give them credit.
Minimum word limit is 350 words with clear delivery of idea behind the post.
Low-effort posts may not be considered.
No text speak.
Only posts related to blog niche will be considered.
I encourage adding images to help deliver your message. Where images are used, make sure to duly credit image owner. Images may be removed/changed to meet this requirement.
No spammy external links.
What if I have an idea but don’t know how to express it?
You can send me a message and we’ll see if we can work on it together.
Okay, so how do I send my posts/ideas?
Simple, send all posts in MicroSoft Word format or as the body of an email to If your post is accepted you’ll be informed when it’ll go online.
Look forward to reading your awesome pieces.